The Blink Sketch
Lego Arduino Tutorial
A Lego Arduino Tutorial for kids - the Blink sketch. A Lego animated tutorial given by a Lego. Both kids and adults might enjoy this beginner Arduino lesson. The basic blink sketch presented in what I hope is, an engaging and entertaining way for kids big and small.
The Blink Sketch
The Blink Tutorial is the easiest way to get started in Arduino. After I realized that Legos and Arduinos work well together I got inspired to make a pixilation Lego tutorial. This was a lot of fun and I hope to continue this series. As I continue to learn physical computing I hope to create tutorials that are more engaging. Just like the projects I find here on Arduino Project Hub, every video I create as a tutorial is a prototype for a better build/video.
Make a lego case for your Arduino
Skills Practiced
Making connections
Arduino IDE
Basic Arduino IDE functions
LED Practice
On board LED