Set Time on a DS3231 RTC
Arduino Tutorial
In this tutorial I will demonstrate how to set time on a DS3231 rtc (real time clock.) As an Arduino beginner I had a difficult time getting my RTC to work. I have a Holdding DS3231RTC but I couldn't get any of the project files and libraries I found to work. I finally decided to use a library I found in the Library Manager called DS1307RTC v. 1.4.1. This library also includes the "TimeLib" library. Next I would like to get this displayed on my LCD I2C.
The Library for this can be found in the Arduino IDE Library Manager. Search for: DS1307RTC
Make sure to make all connections before powering up your Arduino.
Skills Practiced
Making connections
Arduino IDE
Basic Arduino IDE functions
RTC Practice
Using a DS3231 RTC